We'd love you to come along to our events - it's a great way to meet friends old and new and become involved with our lovely Church community!
Now that the restoration is complete, the Church can offer a space that is perfect for concerts and many other projects. We have reordered the area towards the front of the Church which is now covered with a wide platform, and we are looking to encourage the Church's wider use to bring new life to the building and help to keep it open for the future. We have available a unique building, electric piano, microphones, stage lights and an organ. If you are interested in hiring the St Oswald's Church for your event, please contact the Churchwarden, John Watkin.
As part of the funding agreement with the Heritage Lottery Fund for the restoration, the Church will be open to the public for 40 days a year for the next 10 years. Would you be interested in being in St Oswald's Church on some of those days to chat with people and try to answer their questions? Training and notes would be given and we will all learn as we go along! Please contact the Churchwarden, John Watkin, if you think you would be able to help.
Future dates
Three Parishes Winter Walk A winter walk in being planned for Friday 7th February. On this occasion we plan to walk from St Oswald's Church, Winwick to Newchurch Parish Church, Culcheth via Christ Church, Croft. The timings are as follows: 10.30am Assemble in St Oswald's car park. Several cars to be taken to Newchurch. 11.00am walk to begin. 12.30pm. BYO lunch in Christ Church church hall. 1.15pm. Recommence walk. 2.30pm Arrival at Newchurch with concluding prayers. Timings are approximate. The walk is subject to weather conditions. I will put a message on my answerphone on the day to either confirm or cancel the walk. Please phone 07783938335 on the day before setting off. Revd Martin Cox
Friday 14 February 2025 at 9am - Bag2Church in association with Bag2School
Please see the photos below for full details as to what is and is not accepted. Items can be placed in a bin bag or similar. Not only does this help the environment by recycling, it also helps raise much needed funds for our church.
Items may be dropped off at the Church Hall before then. Please message or comment to ensure the hall will be open. Thank you!
In the church hall from 10.00am to 12pm every other Thursday "Warm and Welcome Chat"
Everyone is welcome, especially those who are feeling lonely! Come along to the church hall and meet other people, have a chat, refreshments available for a small charge of £1. Please help us spread the word to let everyone know!
Next session: Thursday 27 June then every 2 weeks afterwards Messy Church, planned for Saturday 15 February, has been cancelled - we didn't have enough volunteers, sadly. If you could help with a future event, please get in touch.
Church Open Days
Come and have a look around the Church; there are people to show you around or you can wander by yourself; you can chat or be quiet. You are very welcome.